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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 7(2); 2009 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(2): 149-159.
고주파관리와 진공감압관리가 체형관리에 미치는 효과
정선화, 최태부, 이승자
The Effect of Hight Frequency Treatment and Vacuum Suction on the body fatness
Seon-Hwa Jeong, Tea-boo Choe, sung-ja Rhie
This study investigates into the effects of High Frequency Treatment and vacuum Suction device on body fatness, aiming to suggest a more professional treatment method. Its specific purpose lies in the observation of changes which occur in body components, bodily measurements, and serum fat as a result. Present study is structured based on a before & after resemblance test using different groups. Then, among those 12 women, who are in their 20s and 30s and who have more than 50cm in thigh circumference, 6 women underwent both High Frequency Treatment and vacuum Suctionn treatment, while the remaining 6 underwent only the High Frequency treatment. The test was conducted for 10 sessions within a 4-week period. Collected data is analyzed by conducting frequency analysis, independent -samples t-test, and paired-samples t-test from descriptive statistics, using the SPSS 12.0 Statistics program. Results of the experiment indicate that both groups decreased in their weight, BMI, and body fat, with the experiment group having more significant decrease. In terms of thigh circumference, both groups decreased significantly, with the experiment group having more significant decrease compared to the control group. In terms of serum fat, the experiment group significantly decreased in Triglyceride. Both groups showed no change in total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol. The result of this study indicates that parallel employment of the two facilities as a means to control body fatness is effective, especially in reducing body fat and thigh circumference, and is thus recommendable for the future application.
Key words: High Frequency, Vacuum Suction, Body fat, Thigh circumference, Serum fat
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