Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2012; 10(3): 523-530.
Changes of the External Image of Female Pop Stars with the Influence of Media Views
Soo Nam Hong, and Sang Eun Lee
In addition, there is an increasing interest in beauty. Therefore, a number of women who are not satisfied with their appearance make an investment in managing and changing it. Pop stars’ image frequently shown in the media is a representative influence of media views. It has originated from worldviews, but in the case of media views, stars copy each other’s image, and the general public adores and worships such appearances. Therefore, the research studies the changing processes of female pop stars’images. Specifically, the research is about plastic surgery on the face and body. In the past, plastic surgery has been limited to certain parts of the face, but, currently, orthognathic surgery is preferred, which changes the image 180 degrees. And plastic surgery on the body has been administered with the use of medication or liposuction, but the body change project is based on continuous exercise, diet, change in lifestyle and enhancement of eating habits for a healthy and slim body. In addition, domestic and overseas articles, internet data and writings of cultural critics have been reviewed and re-interpreted for the research. As the phenomenon will continue for image changes of pop stars and the general public, it is expected that the research will bring about more detailed and various follow-up studies in the areas of plastic surgery and body change businesses, high degree medical techniques without side effects, and ways to maintain health to meet the needs of pop stars and the general public. As a result of identifying the causes and phenomena of media views, it is one of the ways of modern women who live the 21st century to present their external beauty. Therefore, the study suggests to refer to it as ‘neo-views’.
Keywords : Media-Lookism, Lookism, Female popular star, External image, Transition