Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2010; 8: 0.
The Effects of Water Wrapping Procedure at Permanent Wave upon Wave Efficiency
Eun-Jeong Choi, and Soo-Hyang Park
The purpose of this study was to present basic data for effective procedures and improvement strategies to minimize hair damage at permanent wave. For this, the investigator treated damaged hair with water wrapping procedure, ampoule & permanent wave agent procedure, and permanent wave agent procedure according to the method of reducing agent application and then permanent wave efficiency. In order to find a useful method of procedure for permanent wave, the investigator first produced damaged hair specimen from virgin hair by treating it with the procedure of permanent wave and dyeing (twice) in a cross manner and then carried out an experiment by applying water wrapping procedure (A), ampoule & permanent wave agent procedure (B) and permanent wave agent procedure (C) to the specimen. Study findings are as follows: As for the efficiency of hair wave according to permanent wave procedures, the water wrapping procedure (A) presented a relatively even interval of wave and excellent efficiency in general. The permanent wave agent procedure(C) presented a broad interval of wave and the worst efficiency of wave among the three procedures.
Keywords : Wrapping, Efficiency, Permanent wave, Reducing agent, Damaged hair