Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2014; 12(1): 133-138.
The Latest Patent Trends in Korea with Related to the Health of Hair
Nam-Ji Lee, and Hong-Bum Cho
In today’s society, as there is a growing interest in appearance, the health of hair is taking on added significance, and the population who are worrying about hair loss is on the rise. This study is intended to put forward basic data, which can give the development direction of hair loss protection and hair loss treatment in the beauty field, by inquiring into the trend of patents on hair restorer, hair grower, hair loss protection and hair loss treatment registered in Korea. The products for improving and maintaining the health of hair are classified into cosmetics, quasi-drug and medicine by the kind and mixture of pharmacological active ingredients, the difference in efficacy and effect, and the development and production method of products. The results of this study were as follows. The efficacy of quasi-drug is hair growth promotion, hair growth, and protection of dandruff, itching and hair loss. The morbid alopecia like alopecia areata, poor hair growth, alopecia seborrheica, pityroid alopecia needs to be applied by medicines. The recent patent application related to the health of hair showed that natural materials of few side effects were used for most of patents in terms of a long-term treatment of hair loss protection. The peptide or stem cell was used for many materials of hair loss treatment. And most of patents were applied for external application or cosmetics production.
Keywords : Hair grower, Hair loss, Hair restorer, Hair loss protection, Patent trend