Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2014; 12(3): 331-337.
The Influence of Aromatherapy to Relieve Stress
Chang Sook Kim, Yooun A Kim, In Jung, and Ji Young Ryu
In this study, the mental, physical and psychological stress to the recipient of aromatherapy massage and suction investigated whether the effect of stress on. So far, all studies have shown that the effect was to relieve stress. Lavender has been used, particularly the most. Because aromatherapist thinks the chemical composition of lavender has soothing effects. The ordinary people feel difficulty to do aromatherapy. At that time, according to conventional mixing ratio is preferred. Reflection the individual’s preferences may also recombinant aroma oils. people can help for decrease own stress by recombining of aromatherapy oil for yourself. Ordinary person have to be careful when you have a aromatherapy massage time. Aroma oils are mixed with a base oil must be diluted no irritation. Specific disease, pregnant women need the help of an expert. Hormones can have endocrine disturbances. The scientific research about Aromatherapy should be continued because it is useful for solve anger, depression, anxiety and other emotional disorders.
Keywords : Aromatherapy, Stress, Essential oil, Mental, Therapy