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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(3); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(3): 559-569.
미용서비스 경영자의 고용의식이 고용만족도에 미치는 영향
박주연, 김민, 박은준
Effects of Beauty Art Industry Manager’s Hiring Awareness on Employment Satisfaction
Joo-Yeon Park, Min Kim, Eun-Jun Park
This study investigated general characteristics of its subject and their considerations in hiring employees to know the characteristics and present condition of beauty art industry managers. It also sought to find effect of hiring awareness (professional awareness for hiring employees) on employment satisfaction (satisfaction with employees’ job performance) with a purpose to provide information and scholarly data needed for management of beauty art industry and its human resources. The subject of this study was employers in beauty art industry based in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do area. Part 483 through the questionnaire collected data were analyzed with SPSS 16.0 Analytical methods applied to cross-analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression, principal component analysis, respectively. In sum of the conclusions above, it was found that hiring awareness and economic support awareness of the employer in his hiring employees has much effect on employment satisfaction with larger expectations put in a new staff-to-be than in the present staff. All managers in the beauty art industry wish for satisfactory employment of personnel. Therefore, employees in a beauty art industry need to seek for concentrated actual plans by exactly grasping the employer’s hiring awareness while the employer needs differentiated hiring awareness and management strategy idea for enhanced overall satisfaction with his hired personnel.
Key words: Beauty Services, Manager, Hiring Awareness, Employment Satisfaction
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