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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 5(2); 2007 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2007;5(2): 159-166.
매뉴얼마사지를 이용한 안면형태 변화의 연구
오정숙, 김향숙, 장경자
A Study on Face shape modification change using the Manual Massage
Jung-Sook Oh, Hyang-Sook Kim, Kyung-Ja Jang
This study put importance on the pressure and direction of massage. In order to analyze effectiveness of massage on arm and leg muscles, the study took case on studying massage effecting facial shape modification. The subjective group is based on 35 females living in Seoul suburbs. After preliminary inspection, manual massage was carried out to arms and legs. As manual massage has taken place, post investigation is taken. The effect of the experiment was graded into three parts of facial contour level change. In order to analyze the relativity between pre- and post-experiment data, the study verified levels of significance into P<0.5. As for the length between eye-end and mouth-end, it shortened after the massage. It has relativity in the diversity of the data.( T= 2.762, P= 0.007) Length between eye-end and ear-end also shortened after the massage. It has relativity in the diversity of the data.( T= 2.412, P = 0.019) Statistic analyses in length between mouth-end and chin-end have no relativity. (T= 1.494, p= 0.140) But in average, size of face happen to come smaller from 10.40cm to 10.05cm. As a result, the study shows manual massage in arms and legs have cosmetically effect in facial and its related muscles. Research in organic system of human body reformed by neural glands would proceed. The study predicts hand massage would be the fundamental background for further clinical study.
Key words: Manual Massage, Face Shape Modification
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