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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(4); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(4): 893-900.
홍삼 섭취량에 따른 30대 여성의 안면피부상태 비교
백혜연, 강상모
Comparison of Facial Skin Condition of Women in 30’s According to Red Ginseng Intake
Hye-Yeon Paek, Samg-Mo Kang
It is a comparative research on facial skin condition of women in 30’s according to intake of red ginseng which was famous for enhancement of immunity level, anti-oxidative activity, promotion of blood circulation. The experimental groups are total 21 women objects in 30’s which is divided into 7 persons for each intake group of 3 g of red ginseng, and 6 g of red ginseng, and they intake the daily amount of red ginseng in the morning before having breakfast once a day. It was observed the change of sebum, moisture, melanin, erythema, and skin color of each part such as forehead, left eye, right eye, left cheek, right cheek, and chin for 12 weeks. When observed the change of skin condition by averaged each part in face, since the sebum was resulted that G3 group increased 45% compared to Cont. group, and G6 group increased 51% compared to Cont. group, the difference between experimental groups are not significant. The moisture was resulted that G3 group increased 9% compared to Cont. group, and G6 group increased 13% compared to Cont. group, and then G3 group showed effect of second-thirds of moisture increase of G6 group. Also, melanin index change was resulted that G3 group decreased 11% compared to Cont. group, and G6 group decreased 13% compared to Cont. group, and then the difference between experiment groups was not significant. Erythema index change was resulted that G3 group inhibited 6% compared to Cont. group, and G6 group inhibited 9% compared to Cont. group, and then G3 group showed the effect of second-thirds level of erythema generation inhibition of G6 group. Like this, while it is indicated that red ginseng intake changed to measurement value of face skin positively, the increase of sebum and melanin generation inhibition was more economical in 3 g intake, and increase of moisture and erythema generation inhibition was indicated that 3 g intake effected of second-thirds compared to 6 g intake.
Key words: Red ginseng, Facial, Sebum, Melanin, Erythema
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