자가 피부관리가 노인여성의 피부상태 개선과 자아존중감·삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향 |
박정연 |
A Study of Effect of Self Skin Care on Improvement of Elderly Women’s Skin Conditions and their Self-Respect and Life Satisfaction |
Jeong-Yeon Park |
This study has attempted to investigate changes in skin conditions (sebum, moisture and elasticity levels)
aftergiving a skincare lesson to 10 elderly women 6 times in total for two (2) weeks and having them take
care of their skin on their own twice a week for eight (8) weeks and find out how their self-Respect and life
satisfaction have changed. In terms of analysis of skin conditions, Hydration (Corneometer, CM825), sebum
(Sebumeter, SM815) and elasticity (Cutometer) were measured using the multi-process of MPA9 (C+K
electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany). Using a questionnaire tool, self-Respect and life satisfaction were
examined. Then, the following results were obtained: The Hydration, sebum and elasticity levels increased in
four (4) and eight (8) weeks after self skincare, but no statistical significance was observed. In terms of self-
Respect and life satisfaction, self-Respect increased from 31.90±3.44 to 36.20±4.07 while life satisfaction
increased from 66.80±8.71 to 71.10±7.49 in eight (8) weeks (p<.001). |
Key words:
Elderly women, Sebum, Hydration, Elasticity, Self-respect, Life satisfaction |