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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 9(3); 2011 > Article
피부미용학과 학생들의 전공 동아리 활동 참여와 학과만족도간의 관계에 대한 연구
The Relationship between Major Club Activity and Department Satisfaction of Beautician Department Students on College
Moon-Joo Kim
This study aims to examine the relationship between club activity and department satisfaction of beautician department students on college. For the this study, survey method was conducted to educational college students who were sampled by purposive sampling for the achievement of objective, the results statistically processed of 257 valid samples are as follows. The results showed that at first, makeup club have higher than other clubs on major intensive education, the students of major satisfaction. Second, major club participation level is related major intensive education, preparation getting job education, satisfaction on major, self development, satisfaction on peer-relations. Third, satisfaction on major club activity is related satisfaction on department.
Key words: college students, major club, satisfaction on major club, satisfaction on department
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