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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 7(1); 2009 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(1): 51-59.
컬러테라피가 스트레스와 뇌파변화에 미치는 영향
홍근주, 김수미, 이범천, 이동희, 안성관
The Effect of Color Therapy on Stress and Electroencephalogram Variation
Gun-Ju Hong, Su-Mi Kim, Bum-Chun Lee, Dong-Hee Yi, Sung-Kwan An
In this thesis, the three fundamental color components such asred, green, and blue are used to measure the changes in electroencephalogram before and after stimulating a person by these colors. For this survey, we selected a total of 36 healthy men and women. For color illumination, 20 out of 36 showing high and low stress levels were selected. It is remark able to note that, before the color illumination, the low stress group is in a stabler state than the high stress group. After the color stimulations, the high stress group responded much more to each color than the low stress group. We present the responses of the brain waves as the averaged differences in the high beta and alpha that was obtained before and after color stimulations. As a consequence, red tends to raise the level of high beta, in other words, red is an indicative of strain or stress. However, green and blue seem to increase the alpha wave, which means the effect of relaxing or relieving stress. Therefore, our results suggest that, in the "color therapy", the high level stress people are more sensitive to the color it self, in other words, easily relaxed or strained. From our study, it is recognized that the central nervous system of the human body could be activated due to physical waves and color stimulations to reach a harmonious and peaceful state. As a concluding remark, it is highly required to figure out and in systemize appropriate color combinations for proper applications in color therapy.
Key words: color therapy, stress, electroencephalogram, αwave, βwav
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