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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 7(1); 2009 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(1): 103-115.
피부 유‧수분 상태가 피부 착색지수에 미치는 영향
김금란, 김주섭
The Effect of Sebum and Moisture Condition of Skin on the Facial Pigmentation
Kum-Lan Kim, Jou-Soub Kim
This study was conducted to examine the effects of various factor on the healthy skin. The skinis located most in the quoin of the human body and is an agency of the area (1.5-2m2) which the human body is widest organ and defensively, homeostasis control, constant temperature control, vitD productive, remaking, secretion and exhaust function about environment and the foreign body. The skin composed of epidermis, dermis and subqutaneous, the horny layer which is a primary shield which defends the in filtration of the body; the glycolipid to contain and maintains the skin condition which is healthy the stamp which triglyceride 43%, free fatty acid 15%, the wax 23%, squalene 15%, the cholesterol 4% and cholesteryl ester. The skin which is healthy loss of falling off and the moisture of the keratinocyte, sebume and sweet secretion etc, the various living thing processes which skin condition balances. Age,sex distinction, health condition, stress, eating habits and ultraviolet, change of skin condition whole skin ton and quantity, skin ph of sebume and the moisture (type of minute quantity), pigmentation, there is a possibility of listening neutralization royal tomb etc. In condition (Jang,you-sien,1982) of above the skin where hesitation, freckle, chloasma and stain, the pigmentation appears specially plentifully in 30-50 women is investigat. In this study, a convenient measuring tool, LaPROPE was used to measure the sebum and the moisture in the skin. Firstly, a verification test was firstly performed for validating LaPROPE. From the measurement value that obtained through Sebumeter and LaPROPE, it was founded that there was a significant correlation with each other(r=0.9). Based on this result, all measurements in this study were made using LaPROPE. The results of study indicated that the skin sebum and moisture mean showed a significant, negative relationship to age and SPI. The mean value of skin sebum and moisture mean was 7.61 for 30 age group,7.65 for 40 age group, 6.40 for 50 age group. The value of moisture reduced significantly for the older than 50 age group.
Key words: Healthy skin, Skin condition, Moisture determining factor, SSMI, SPI
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