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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(2); 2010 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(2): 43-52.
피부미용실에서의 서비스 이용 동기와 이용 후 만족에 관한 연구
A Study on Service Motivations at Skin Care Salon and Post-Service Satisfaction of Skin Care
Moon-joo Kim
The objectives of this research were to investigate the relationships between service motivations and post-service satisfactions of skin at care salon, and to reveal how service motivations and demographic variables influence to the post-service satisfaction. Subjects were 297 females in Seoul who had experiences of skin care at care salon. Five dimensions of service motives at skin care salon were divided by factor analysis: 'effective group', 'economical group'. 'rest group', 'convenience group'. 'familiar group'. Clients showed relatively high service motivation at cost, quality of service, menu, cosmetics, additive service, diverse of skin care program, effect of post-service on 'effective group', at cosmetics, effect of post-service on 'economical group', at cost, quality of service on 'rest group', at cost, quality of service on 'convenience group', at cost, quality of service, cosmetics, verity of skin care service, effect of post-service on 'familiar group'. Career women showed relatively high service motivation than women students on 'economical group'. The high class clients relatively high service motivation on 'economical group' than middle and low level class.
Key words: Skin Care Salon, Service Motivation, Satisfaction
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