일부 여대생의 식품 선호도가 피부 건강 상태에 미치는 영향 |
홍양희, 박효정, 정은영, 김선희, 전승철, 장도석, 장은재 |
Effect of Food Preference on Skin Health Status of Female College Students
Yang-Hee Hong, Hyo-Jung Park, Eun Young Jung, Seon-Hee* Kim, Seung-Cheol Jun, Do-Seok Chang, Un-Jae Chang |
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of food preference on skin health status. Two hundred two female college students aged 20 to 25 years participated in this study. General characteristics, food preference and skin status were examined by self-questionnaire. The results of this were as follow : The means of height, weight and BMI were 161.1 cm,54.8 kg and 21.1kg/(m)2, respectively. Under weight were 16.8%, normal weight 62.7% and over weight 20.3% of subjects. In the analysis of factors having impact on the skin status, the higher preference for oily food, instant food, sugary food and meat(p<0.001), the lower preference for vitamin, milk, green tea, fruits and vegetable(p<0.05) had effected on the tendency to be elevated sebum. And In the analysis of factors having impact on the skin status, the lower preference for oily food, instant food, sugary food and meat(p<0.01), the higher preference for vitamin, milk, green tea(p<0.05) had effected on the tendency to be elasticity. Finally, In the analysis of factors having impact on the skin status, the higher prefrence for fruits and vegetable(p<0.05) had effected on the tendency to be sensitive. College students are the early stage of adult life and their food preference and life style will continue in later life. From this these findings, skin health status appears to be affected by nutrition intake. Therefore, female college students need more nutritional knowledge, positive dietary attitudes and modified life style to prevent and treat skin health.
Key words:
Female college students, BMI, Food preference, Skin health status