반신욕이 비만 남자대학생의 체성분 변화 및 적혈구침강속도에 미치는 영향 |
이시경, 오정숙 |
The Effect of Half Bath on Body Composition and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate in obesity male University Students
Si-Kyoung Lee, Jung -Sook Oh |
In this study, we measured up the change of body composition, and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate among the subjects of male university students in early twenties living in Sokcho city after they practiced in chocksan-spa half bath for 30 minutes a day for 6 weeks. This research revealed that their waist and hip size gots limmed and their weight got lost in a steady manner along with the lowered body fat, WHR, and Edema. Of the blood analysis, ESR was returned to normal span of average men, which is statistically significant. This experimental research showed us that half bath practice is an effective way to manage obesity and for skin care or treatment. In addition to this, various kinds of bath powders and massage treatments can be a helpful solution for weight loss, health, and beauty on condition that they are properly used. Also, Half-bath's effects is be well aware preceding study to increasde of softness, decreased of body fat, increased of life quality satisfaction and reaffirm to half-bath. So, Come to the conclusion that fatness patient and management and positive intercession strategy is the right way.
Key words:
Half Bath, ESR, BMI, WHR, Body fat, Edema