Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(3): 285-292. |
발효 화장품의 인식 및 한방 화장품과의 만족도 비교 연구 |
이미선, 리순화 |
Research on the perception of fermented cosmetics and the satisfaction level of ‘Korean Medicine Herb’ cosmetics.
Mi-sun Lee, Shun-Hua Li |
As 3 out of the 5 most healthy foods in the world have turned out to be fermented food, people from all around the world are taking note of fermentation. Even in the cosmetics industry, fermented cosmetics have been more and more increasingly introduced, creating a market emphasizing the positive image that the healthy fermented substances are environment-friendly and that it also aids skin health. The subject of research was set as 134 fermented cosmetics users, 107 'Korean Medicine Herb' cosmetics users, a total of 241 individuals who live in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The research method was through surveys. The research results are the following. The research results on the perception of fermented cosmetics shown that both users of fermented and 'Korean Medicine Herb' cosmetics knew fermented cosmetics as cosmetics that doesn't use artificial chemical substances. The source of information about fermented cosmetics was salesmen for both users of fermented and 'Korean Medicine Herb' cosmetics. The results of the satisfaction level comparison has shown that users of fermented cosmetics were satisfied the most with essence products while the users of 'Korean Medicine Herb' cosmetics were satisfied most with skin food(nourishing cream) products. In the product quality comparison research, users who have responded that they couldn't really see the difference between fermented and Korean Medicine Herb cosmetics have taken up the largest proportion. Also, it has shown that there were many cases, domestically, where users of general cosmetics switched to fermented cosmetics. Some criteria for improvement were, enhancing brand quality and lowering prices for both types of cosmetics. Survey asking whether if the customers will continue using the product showed 90% positive for fermented cosmetics and 50% for 'Korean Medicine Herb' cosmetics. These research results tell us that fermented cosmetics have sufficient competitiveness to position itself in the cosmetics market. It is hoped that the brand's position will be strengthened soon and that this research can be used as basic information for the expansion and promotion of fermented cosmetics market.
Key words:
Fermentation. Fermented cosmetics 'Korean Medicine Herb'.'Korean Medicine Herb'cosmetics, Level of satisfaction