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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(4); 2010 > Article
다기능 화장품의 피부효능임상연구 -아마르떼의 Wonder 7-in-1을 중심으로-
김기연, 김애경, 오미옥, 진정화
Clinical Trial of Multifunctional Cosmetics on the Effects on Skin -make use of Wonder 7-in-1 by Amarte-
Gi-Yeon Kim, Ae- Keong Kim, Mi-Ok Park, Chung-Hwa Chin
To determine the effects of the fermented cosmetics using the ginkgo vinegar, this study examined the changes in skin using the skin wash methods with Wonder 7-in-1 by Amarte. To examine the changes in skins of the subjects, visual observation of the oily skin, skin with lower elasticity, aged skin and bumpy skin changes as well as the irregularity photography, measurements of the horny skin and the usage of the models of skin improvements were used and the changes were measured in moisture, oiliness, sizes of the pores, horny skin amounts, and the pigmentation of the melanin. From the visual observations and the photographed skin change as the trial went on, the irregularity and the unnecessary horny skin had decreased and the model measurements of the skin status also showed a continuous improvement. For the changes in the moisture, oiliness, horny skin, skin surface curve and pore sizes, they all showed a significant difference, which showed the usage of the fermented skin wash from the gingko vinegar positively affects the improvement of the skin. For the oiliness of the skin, the t value was 3.243(p=0.003) and the changes in the measured values before and after the pore size measurements, the t value was 3.604(P=0.001), The changes in skin surface curve showed a t value of 3.313(P=0.003), for the horny skin, t=4.397(P<0.001) and they were all statistically significant at the 95% trust interval and the use of Wonder 7-in-1 improved the skin status. The significant results in skin surface curve, horny skin and the pore sizes all suggest that it can affect the improvement of the aging skin and the skin with lower elasticity as well as pimples, bumpy skin, fine wrinkles, which can be used in the future studies. I hope that the results on the multi-purpose cosmetics that use the fermentation science and the natural herbs (especially the ginkgo vinegar and sulfur) can contribute to reducing the economic and timely burden for the consumers and also spread the Korean technology to the world.
Key words: Ginkgo, Fermented cosmetic, Dead skin cell, Skin surface curve, Pore size
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