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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(4); 2010 > Article
공중위생관리법 개정안의 쟁점 및 대안
이한웅, 문흥안, 김영훈, 임정미, 김금란, 장순남, 임양이, 이운현, 이명희, 김효연, 심재숙, 서상미, 이유미
A Critical Review on the Public Health Control Act Amendment Bills
Han-Woon Lee, Heung-Ahn Moon, Young-Hun Kim, Jeong-Mi Im, Kum-Lan Kim, Soon-Nam Jang, Yang-Yi Lim, Woon-Hyun Lee, Myeong-Hee Lee, Hyo-Yeun Kim, Jae-Sook Shim, Sang-Mi Seo, You-Mi Lee
The purpose of this study is to analyse and suggest better and more desirable amendments to the Public Health Control Act Amendment Bills, and the Cosmetology Act Bill, which have been dealt in the 18th National Assembly, and to give further consideration for these issues and seek other possible alternatives within these bills. The Public Health Control Act Amendment Bills were thoroughly investigated to suggest desirable ways of amendment as below: Firstly, the establishment of an Education Institute for Cosmetologists is deemed as necessary. Like other advanced countries, a legislation setting the standard of curriculum, facilities and teachers, which the education institute should prepare, should be enacted. Secondly, the careful consideration over the introduction of Cosmetologist License System is necessary. It should also be considered that the current system without examination has no problem legally and that there are some positive effects from this system. Thirdly, for an improvement in setting the reasons for disqualification of cosmetologist licenses, a structural comparison should be preceded to review issues such as mental patients’ choice of jobs, the value in the guaranteed freedom of business, and the value in people’s safety. Fourth, for the industry advancement, the abolition of the unnecessary clauses in the regulation on cosmetology is necessary. The system of dual punishment should be abolished completely, and the introduction of system of closing down authority is timely. Fifth, the plan for rigid enforcement of regulations over prostitution business and the improvement for penalty systems are appropriate. The reinforcement of penalty for people, and their business, who does business without notice is meaningful in the way that it protects the essential values of the licensing system. Sixth, it is desirable to enact an independent law under the name cosmetology.
Key words: Public Health Control Act, Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, Cosmetology Act, School of cosmetology
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