Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(1): 41-47. |
황금추출물의 항산화와 멜라닌생성 저해 효과 |
김나영 |
Effect of Antioxidation and Inhibition of Melanogenesis from Scutellaria baicalensis Extract |
Na-Young Kim |
Melanigenesis with basic cosmetic ingredients was investigated. skin lightening is one of the most important effect of functinal cosmetics, especially for the asian women. In this work, the extract of Scutellaria baicalensis and its key flavonoids such as baicalin, baicalein and wogonin were studied to characterize as a cosmetic ingredient. Anitoxidant activity of Scutellaria baicalensis extract was not very high but was high enough to be employed in cosmetics. When the Scutellaria baicalensis extract and the flavonoids were added to the culture media of B16F10 melanoma, the melanin production was inhibited concentration dependently and this effect was enough to be used as whitening material of cosmetics. Scutellaria baicalensis extract and the flavonoids were melaninmeasurement α-MSH inhibited concentration dependently. Baiclain, baicalein, wogonin 1 μM when compared with the control group there was significant.(p <0.01). The results of this flavonoid know that excellent whitening effect, and the next natural whitening ingredients that can be used in navigation could confirm that. |
Key words:
Scutellaria baicalensis extract, baicalin, baicalein, wogonin, Anitoxidant, B16F10 melanoma