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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(3); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(3): 403-408.
당유자 미숙과 동결건조 추출물이 멜라닌 생성에 미치는 영향
김가람, 차훈, 송희경, 이유나, 안규중, 안인숙, 안성관
Inhibitory Effects of Freeze Dried Unripe Dangyuja (Citrus grandis Osbeck) Extracts on Melanogenesis
Karam Kim, Hun Cha, Hee-Kyung Song, Yu Na Lee, Kyu Joong Ahn, In-Sook An, Sungkwan An
Although previous studies have identified that both the fruit and leaf of dangyuja (Citrus grandis Osbeck) exhibits anticancer, antioxdant and anti-inflammatory effect, the inhibitory effect of melanogenesis have not been reported. In this study, freeze dried extract of dangyuja was evaluated for their potential to inhibit melanogenesis. Results show that, freeze dried extracts of dangyuja strongly decreased the tyrosinase activity for catalysis of L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) oxidation in a dose–dependent manner. In addition, we also verified that cytotoxicity and melanin content in mouse B16F10 melanoma cells were assayed after treatment with the freeze dried extracts of dangyuja. The results demonstrate that extracts possessed low cytotoxic activity and that melanin content was reduced. Overall, freeze dried extracts of dangyuja is a safe natural materials that show an effective inhibition of melanogenesis. These results suggest that freeze dried extracts of dangyuja can be considered as an effective skin whitening reagent for application in cosmetics.
Key words: Inhibitory effects, Unripe dangyuja, Citrus grandis Osbeck, Melanogenesis
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