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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(4); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(4): 555-564.
네일 샵 고객의 네일 서비스 요인별 만족도에 관한 연구
김선영, 박미경
A Study on Nail Service Satisfaction by Factors in Customers of Nail Shop
Sun-Young Kim, Mi-Kyung Park
In this study the requirements and satisfaction of our customers fully understand the needs of customers wishing to service the specific services that can be achieved by presenting the direction of the management of a successful nail salon to help, the following results were obtained. First, the general characteristics of those surveyed, while the women are the most stable social life, as a means of self-development time to pursue outward beauty that can be seen. First, the general characteristics of surveyed women in the social life of the most reliable means of self-development time to pursue outward beauty that can be seen. Second, the nail salon nail salon service satisfaction by factors revisit the doctor look at the doctor showed higher gender, age, and occupation were significantly different (p<.05). Second, the nail salon nail salon service satisfaction by factors revisit the doctor look at the doctor showed higher gender, age, and occupation were significantly different (p<.05). Factors that contribute to re-visit the nail salon to show the human factor is the most significant shone gender, age, occupation, showed significant differences in average income (p<.05). Nail salon nail salon services are available to customers for the functional factors showed higher satisfaction. Human factors indicate satisfaction took out in the high education and job satisfaction were significantly different (p<.05). Nail salon nail salon services, customers can conveniently use a high factor in education and job satisfaction showed significant difference (p<.05). Facilities showed high satisfaction factor in education and significant difference in average income (p<.05) satisfaction about the main facility factors were higher average education and income were significantly different (p<.05). When you view the results of this study using a nail salon clients nail care services is a growing need for high quality service diversification can be seen that the high-end. In addition, the surgeon thought was best in hospitality technology and, unlike the old shop customers can use the convenience of a selection, shop interiors, from the atmosphere and for all factors carefully so ttajyeobogo to meet customers’ service needs four days shop for impressive in customer satisfaction and quality management services will be provided.
Key words: Satisfaction, Nail art, Nail salon, Nail services
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