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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(6); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(6): 819-826.
업종에 따른 피부미용사의 복리후생
이근재, 김현정
A Study on the Welfare of Estheticians According to the Type of Business
Keun-Jae Lee, Hyun-Jung Kim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual conditions of public welfare system according to the type of business. This study conducted questionnaire on estheticians who are working in beauty salon, spa (A), and hospital or clinic (B). 217 copies of questionnaire data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 for Windows. Welfare was categorized into fund support, facility support, life support, and culture support, and investigated satisfaction level according to the type of business. It was identified that fund is being provided more smoothly in B and facility support is being conducted more smoothly in A. Life support and culture support are being provided more smoothly in A. Also, job satisfaction increased as particular items of welfare as fund support, installation support, life support, and culture support were higher. As being professionals who create higher value, it is considered necessary to pay more interest and conduct research for the development of suitable welfare system of estheticians’ level.
Key words: Welfare, Estheticians
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