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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(6); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(6): 891-901.
남성의 연령별 가치관이 뷰티관리행동에 미치는 영향
이하나, 박옥련
The Effect of Men’s Values by Age on Beauty Care Behavior
Ha-Na Lee, Ok-lyun Park
This study formalized men’s values by age and looked into its effect on their beauty care behavior. As study questions, this study investigated lower dimensions of values and beauty care behavior, and the results of investigating beauty care behavior by dividing into the factors of values show that men in their 20s put the highest values on hair care and keeping body shape amongst beauty care behavior in values for aestheticism and utilitarianism. Results indicate that hair care is the most basic beauty care behavior for men, and men place the most importance on hair care as it has a large impact on the face shape or formation of image. Men in their 30s put the highest values on cosmetic surgery and skin care amongst all the factors of beauty care behavior for aestheticism and social achievement. And men in their 40s put the highest emphasis on hair care and keeping body shape amongst all the factors of beauty care behavior for social achievement. Men in their 50s regard hair care and keeping body shape as the most important factors of beauty care behavior for aestheticism. Like this, study results show that taking good care of appearance is to raise one’s competitiveness for modern men, and it also has a major impact on social success and formation of interpersonal relationship.
Key words: Men by age, Values, Beauty care Behavior
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