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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 4(2); 2006 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2006;4(2): 107-114.
스톤테라피에 관한 연구
김은영, 채순님
A Study on Stone Therapy
Eun-Young Kim, Soon-Nim Chae
With long-term economic slump, political and social unrest, environmental problems, aging, and the increase in the obese population, interest in environment and health is on the continuous increase. Attention is being focused on a relevant industry as a future consumption trend. To relieve daily fatigue and stress, it is now inevitable to pursue lifestyle and consumption based on higher well-being. With the universalized perception that a mentally and physically healthy life is essential, the needs to pursue a better life include relieving fatigue and stress effectively for mental peace and consuming organically-farmed products and conducting aerobic exercise for physical health. Practices of life based on well-being to maintain mental and physical health are related to nature- and environment- friendly life and consumption, not excepting skin care. As for skin care, such a lifestyle based on well-being is forcing many types of skin care. That is, there is a demand for nature- and environment-friendly therapies and development to meet the demand. A variety of therapies to use natural materials to relieve physical fatigue and stress are being developed and demanded by consumers. Stone therapy can be one of the results of such consumers' needs and the temporal trend. Stone therapy is one of the natural therapies using the principle of ‘homeostassis’ of the human body. Here, homeostassis refers to a kind of exercise for the inside of the human body to maintain relatively uniform environment against external stimuli. It is exemplified by the physical reaction of maintaining the temperature of the body at a fixed level by discharging sweat rapidly out of the body through numerous sweat pores when abnormal conditions of the human body raise the temperature. The principle of stone therapy can also be found in our ancestors' folk remedies of relieving pain by rubbing the stomach of a child suffering from stomachache. From more scientific perspective, energy should generally move from a high to low position for identical temperature and the energy moving due to differences in temperature is called 'heat.' When a body is lowered into a cold tub, 'heat' energy possessed by the water in the tub, which is higher than that of the body, moves to the body, consequently lowering the temperature of the human body. In the opposite case, the body temperature may well rise. Stone therapy, which smooths the rhythm of the body by using stone containing natural energy of water, soil, and fire, balances the human body, removes toxins from the body to clean it, and is effectively used to perform skin care as well as to prevent and treat a disease. This study aims at investigating a scientific ground of stone therapy which serves to resolve body imbalance caused by stress and fatigue necessary for mental and physical health and to maintain health and beauty using a natural material, or stone containing natural energy, and at providing a clinical and theoretical basis for using it in skin care.
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