Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2012; 10(4): 911-919.
The Amelioratory Effect of Natural Cosmetic Pack and Natural Soap Containing Mulberry Leaf Powder on the Skin Status of Adult Men
Recently researches in hazardous components of chemical cosmetic become active, and consumers interest
is growing. And not only women’s but also men’s interest in the skin is increasing. Therefore in this experiment,
targeting adult males who have oily skin, natural packs and soaps made by using materials in Mulberry leaves
find improvement skins during 4 weeks(from 12 November 2011 to 10 December 2011). The control group
used soap that does not contain Mulberry leaf powder(Control soap, CS), The comparison group, used soap
that contains Mulberry leaf powder(Mulberry leaf Soap, MS), and washing 2 times a day every morning and
evening. Both groups apply the pack in 15 minutes that does not contain Mulberry leaf powder(Control pack,
CP) on the left face, and apply the pack that contain mulberry leaf powder(Mulberry leaf pack, MP) together
on the right face. Differences between this group were compared and analyzed with control group using
Mulberry leaf soap and pack together. As a result, the group who used the pack and soap containing Mulberry
leaf powder(Mulberry leaf soap & Mulberry leaf pack, MP+MS), baseline in a fraction, roughness, pores,
pigmentation was decreased significantly than the control group who used the soap and pack not containing
Mulberry leaf powder(Control Pack & Control Soap, CP+CS)(p<.05). In the future, using Mulberry leaf powder
will be considered new functional materials and will have great significance in terms.
Keywords :
Mulberry Leaf, Oily Skin, Cosmetic Ingredient, Skin Status