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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 5(2); 2007 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2007;5(2): 247-255.
한·미 FTA 협상에 따른 피부미용시장의 대응방안 고찰
진정화, 김윤신
A Study on Countermeasures of Beautytherapy Market Followed by Korea-America FTA Negotiation
Chung - Hwa Chin, Yoon - Shin Kim
Today a global village has an active endeavor in increasing mutual interest FTA (Free Trade Agreement) between countries or regions with the same economic understanding, running parallel with a multilateral negotiation system of WTO pursuing global trade liberalization in accordance with a principle of multi-nationalism. Korea also concluded FTA Chile, Singapore, EFTA, ASEAN and USA and is negotiating FTA with Canada, Japan, India, Mexico and EU now, participating in such an international trade flow. Recently promoted FTA is treating a broad field as service, investment, intellectual property rights, manpower and more as well as goods trade. Therefore, the study made progress of researches only within service field of Beautytherapy and beauty industry on the basis of theoretical consideration about current status of Korea-America FTA. Korean Beautytherapy industry doesn't still grasp accurate data of domestic scale, number of employees, number of companies and the sales tendency by each period. A phased strategy is required to advance toward the world market, keeping Korean original things. Also, Korean should grasp the present situation more accurately and should have the government's support and strategies to promote people's interest in the Beautytherapy industry. Beautytherapy managers should change their consciousness to revitalize franchises. The author hopes that the study will be utilized to establish strategies of the skin care market changed in the future and is planning to conduct a continuous study to prepare plans of the skin care market which can cope with an effect of FTA negotiating with EU, ASEAN, Japan and China hereafter.
Key words: FTA, Beautytherapy market
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