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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(1); 2010 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(1): 53-62.
귀반사 요법을 이용한 20대 여성의 견비통 개선에 대한 연구
안경민, 조희숙
A study for Improvement of Women in 20's of Shoulder Pain by Applying Ear-Reflexology
Kyung-Min Ahn, Hee-Sook Cho
This research realized the effects of Ear-reflexology by applying it on shoulder pain patients, and in the precess, researched the perception people have on alternative treatment and Ear-reflexology. After putting Qi-tongseoks on the areas of the ear realted to shoulder pain of 30 women in 20's residing in Seoul in 5 day intervals 5 times, they executed a descriptive syudy of the results by using questionnaires. The result of the investigation on the general recognition of alternative therapy should 96.7% recognized the therapy, 50% had some experience and 53.3% had favorable intrest. The research result of Ear-reflexology should 66.7% recognized it, and 93.3% used it as remedy method. Overall, the recognition rate of alternative therapy and Ear-reflexology was very high.And we could conclude that Ear-reflexology was adaptabke in one field of alternative medicine. As a cure for shoulder pain, Ear-reflexology was applied and it was treated for 5 times repeatedly. And after first treatment, 6.7% of applicants answered that it worked. The rate rose to 96.7% after treated five times. This shows that Ear-reflexology does work for shoulder pain, and it is much better if we apply it several times. In addition,93.3% of the people who have received Ear-reflexology have shown reaction to recommend others the same treatment. Not only can this Ear-reflexology be a method to relieve shoulder pain, but also an easy remedy to improve health, and prevent diseases after in is studied more systematically.
Key words: Ear-reflexology, Qi-tongseak, Shoulder pain, Alternative therapy
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