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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(3); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(3): 563-568.
20대 여성의 물리적 딥클렌징과 화학적 딥클렌징에 따른 피부 변화 비교
김경란, 이연희, 이록연
Changes in Skin of Women in 20s Following Physical Deep Cleansing and Chemical Deep Cleansing
Gyeong-Ran Kim, Yeon-Hee Lee, Rock-Youn Lee
The foremost concern of contemporary women is well reflected in the newly-coined word ‘honey skin’ which means clean and fresh skin like that of babies they wish to maintain. In an attempt to suggest ways to treat skin effectively, the present paper is aimed at comparing water- or oil-content, resilience, roughness, size of pores and clearness in skin’s T·U zone of women in the 20s who have treated their skin using physical scrubbing and chemical enzymes during deep cleaning. From the comparison, it was found that skin care by means of deep cleansing is effective in terms of water- or oil-content, resilience, roughness, size of pores and clearness in skin. The outcome also showed that the skin care increased oil-content, particularly water-content drastically, in enzyme than scrubbing. It is therefore recommended to use enzyme for dry skin and scrubbing for oily skin since it decreases oil. It should be noted, however, that it is advised to use moisturizers that have similar structure as skin barrier because overt use of deep cleansing could cause harm to skin.
Key words: Deep-Cleansing, Peeling, Exfoliate, Scrub, Enzyme
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