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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(6); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(6): 1017-1022.
연재 9. 공동 연구
Series 9. Collaborative Research
In Jae Lee
The collaborative research is one of the nine core areas of RCR instruction that deals with issues investigators should be aware of to conduct research responsibly. Collaborative research overlaps with many of the other core areas of RCR instruction since instruction in the responsible conduct of research is integral to all research endeavors. Research collaborations and issues that may arise from such collaborations include such as setting ground rules early in the collaboration, avoiding authorship disputes, and sharing of materials and information with internal and external collaborating scientists. Collaborative research raises a number of different ethical issues such as authorship, intellectual property, and interactions between academic institutions and private industry. Successful professional relationships and collaboration in research cannot occur without a high level of cooperation, trust, collegiality, fairness, accountability. The challenge to researchers engaged in collaboration is a need to understand what the project’s main goal is, and what role each collaborator must play in order to achieve that goal. Factors that can increase the likelihood of positive collaborative outcomes include: clearly delineating roles and responsibilities, developing effective management plans, and fostering a high level of cooperation, developing trust, collegiality, and a profound sense of fairness and accountability.
Key words: Collaboration, Cooperation, Authorship, Trust, Sharing, Collegiality, Fairness
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