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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(3); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(3): 409-415.
미용 산업기사 신설 및 취득에 따른 기대효과
이영주, 한옥임, 정현진
Expected Effects Associated with the Acquisition of New Articles and Beauty Industry
Young Joo Lee, ogim Han, Hyun Jin Jung
The purpose of this study was to examine the expected effects of the introduction of national certificate and of certificate acquisition in the beauty industry in an effort to provide some information on the improvement of the current qualification system and human resources development in this industry. The subjects in this study were 369 people, on whom a survey was conducted to gather data. The collected data were analyzed by the statistical package SPSS 18.0. As a result, four factors were selected as the expected effects of the introduction of national certificate and of certificate acquisition in the beauty industry: career management, usefulness for executive ability, self-development and industrial development. And there were statistical significant differences in the occupational expected effects, namely the factors of career development and industrial development. It’s ascertained that the students who majored in beauty expected a lot from the introduction of national certificate and certificate acquisition, and that they especially had the most expectations for career development and industrial development. The findings of the study suggest that the systematic improvement of the qualification system is required to instill more pride in individual workers and boost their performance in the beauty industry whose success or failure depends on human service, and that the related government agencies should direct their energy into that.
Key words: Beauty, Industry Engineer, Nation Certificate, Satisfaction Acquire
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