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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(5); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(5): 643-652.
‘헤어 커트’ 단원에서 수행평가 Rubric 개발 및 학습동기에 미치는 영향
김아람, 리순화
Developing a Rubric for Performance Assessment in the Unit of ‘Haircut’ and the Influence on the Learning Motive
Ahram Kim, Shunhua Li
This study evaluated the adequacy of the rubric developed for sixty teachers in order to examine the influence of the performance assessment Rubric in the ‘haircut’ unit of hair cosmetology on the learning motive of cosmetology high school students. Also, the study conducted teaching and assessment with two groups, the experimental group (40 students) who were second-year students in high school and who were assessed with the Rubric and the comparative group (40 students) who were assessed with the seventh curriculum assessment criteria. The findings showed that the developed Rubric proved its adequacy with more than average out of 5 full points and ‘the adequacy of tools’ marked the highest, 4.23. The pretest and posttest of the experimental group showed that the learning motive and its subcategories: concentration, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction increased significantly after the test (p<.001) and the comparative group did not demonstrate any significant difference in learning motive and satisfaction. Comparing variations between pretest and posttest in both groups, the experimental group showed more significant variation in the learning motive than the comparative group did (p<.01, p<.001). Conclusively, the Rubric developed for performance assessment in the haircut unit proved its adequacy through teachers and application of the Rubric in high school hair cosmetology performance assessment had a positive influence on learning motive.
Key words: Hair cut, Rubric, Performance assessment, Learning motive
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