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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(5); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(5): 709-717.
한국, 중화권, 일본, 태국 여성의 포인트 메이크업에 따른 선호 및 이미지 연구
김수영, 리순화
A Study on Point Make up Preference and Image of Korean, Greater Chinese, Japanese and Thai Women
Su-Young Kim, Shunhua Li
This study conducted online and offline surveys on favorite point make-up color, favorite point make up technique, and point make up image of 506 women aged 20s through 40s in Korea, Greater China, Japan and Thailand to compare differences among nations. As a result of study, Korea and Japan showed high preference of orange color and Greater China and Thailand preferred neutral tone for eye shadow. For lip make up color, all four nations preferred pink color. For blusher make up color, Korea preferred peach while Greater China, Japan and Thailand preferred pink. In terms of favorite eye make up technique, Korea, Greater China and Japan preferred ‘slanting eye’ technique and Thailand preferred ‘horizontal eye’. Differences were shown between nations as largest number of respondents in Greater China, Japan and Thailand chose the technique ‘to appear as natural’ and respondents in Korea chose the technique ‘to appear as clear’. Favorite point make-up was eye make up for Korea, Greater China and Japan and lip for Thailand. In regards to the effect of point make-up on image, Korea showed highest score of 4.49 points, and satisfaction score of Greater China on how well point make up is expressed as intended image was lowest at 3.28. Accordingly, customer demands can further be satisfied by releasing neutral, orange and purple eye make up products with low chroma and diverse textures and pink, peach and orange blusher and lip products in the Asian market.
Key words: Korea·Greater China·Japan·Thailand, Point Make up, Preference, Image
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