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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(5); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(5): 569-577.
시각장애인의 메이크업 실태와 메이크업 프로그램에 관한 연구
임창현, 양진희
A Study on the Makeup Realities of Visually Handicapped and the Makeup Programs for Them
Chang-Hyun Lim, Jin-Hee Yang
This study intended to provide the basic material for improving the social prejudice against the makeup behavior of visually handicapped women and developing the makeup program suited to the characteristic of visual impairment. For this purpose, it investigated the actual conditions of visually handicapped women’s makeup behavior. To collect data through the questionnaire research, this study employed both the quantitative research and the qualitative research through in-depth interview. The Braille-translation questionnaire was employed under the visual discomfort of the respondents, and data obtained from the questionnaire research for a total of 160 persons were statistically analyzed with the use of SPSS WIN 21.0. As a result, the following findings were obtained: First, the very high proportion of the responding visually handicapped women put on makeup. In spite of the handicap-caused discomfort, the high proportion of them put on makeup, and the reason for not putting on makeup was not visual impairment. Second, the highest proportion of the visually handicapped women responded that the purpose of makeup was ‘to give a good impression on others’. Their makeup behavior is not simply the one in management terms but in psychological terms of relationship to others as the social factor. So an attempt was made to investigate the relationship between the social factor and makeup consciousness. As a result, it was found that the ‘social factor had a significant effect on makeup consciousness’. Third, it was hypothesized that there would be a difference in self-esteem according to presence or absence of putting on makeup. It was tested that ‘Putting on makeup had a significant effect on self-esteem’. This study emphasizes that support at the level of academic circles, organizations and nation government is needed to develop and provide the makeup program enhancing the understanding of visually handicapped women’s makeup behavior, meeting their aesthetic desire and contributing to their integration into the members of society.
Key words: Effect, Korean journal, Aesthetics, Cosmetology, Industry
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