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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(6); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(6): 797-804.
전공별 미용학과 대학생의 교육자 인식과 교육 만족도의 영향 관계
여이주, 박재홍, 박은준
Effect Relationship between the Educator and the Educational Awareness of the Beauty Department Satisfaction of the Majors
Yi-Ju Yeo, Jea Hong Park, En-Jun Park
Abstract abstract: Due to the quality demands of higher university education in self-service industry recognizes the need for and importance of learner-centered education, and is committed to the professional hairdressing training. As gradually increase the support rate beauty related subjects than in the past, the need for research for the development of cosmetic departments have been raised. In this study, we understand the impact the relationship between beauty Major college educators awareness and education satisfaction, and viewed at by dividing the majors, more high-quality education and the future provide information and academic materials necessary for the development of cosmetic department for that purpose there. Department of Beauty Arts and analyzed through a questionnaire District targets students, educators were aware of this can be seen to affect the educational satisfaction, it was found that the important part is to think in different majors. Implications The results of this study in accordance with the first, there is a need for excellent teachers and diversification of training programs that can improve the quality of education. Second, in addition to beauty-related technology and theory training and marketing management, computers, foreign languages and other cultural and educational needs of the subjects, practical courses that can be put immediately to the site it is required. Third, hairdressing training is given to meet the needs of self-realization have their own values and subjects of the need for toughness and etiquette as part of the service sector should help increase self-esteem.
Key words: Department of Beauty Arts, Educators recognized, Training Satisfaction, Major
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