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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(3); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(3): 597-603.
안면 림프드레니쥐가 뇌파와 심전도에 미치는 영향
윤임실, 최현주
Effects of Lymphatic Drainage on Electroencephalogram and Electrocardiogram
Im Sil Yoon, Hyun Ju Choi
This study was performed to evaluate the effects of facial lymphatic drainage on electrophysiological functions of the brain and heart. The subjects were healthy female adults in their twenties (n=7). Brain and heart functions were determined by using electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG), and blood pressure measurement. Facial lymphatic drainage (fLD) was applied for a total 15 min. EEG was recorded before, during, and after the fLD. EEG results show that beta powers at the frontal and temporal lobes decreased during the fLD on the neck (p<.05). Beta power also decreased at the temporal lobe during the fLD on the chin and whole face (p<.05). Especially, the theta power increased during the fLD on the whole on the face (p<.05). On the other hand, heart rate decreased and PR interval and QT time of the ECG increased significantly after the fLD. However the blood pressures was not changed by the fLD. These data indicate that fLD induces relaxation and sleep status. Therefore, facial lymphatic drainage has beneficial electrophysiological effects on the brain and heart functions.
Key words: Facial lymphatic drainage, Electroencephalogram, Electrocardiogram, Blood pressure
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