경락마사지와 알개마스크가 성인 여성의 복부비만에 미치는 영향 |
김미선, 박영은, 리순화, 최태부, 안성관 |
The Effect of Meridian Massage and Algae Mask on the Abdominal Obesity of Adult Women
Mi-Su Kim, , , , |
The purpose of this study is to explore ways for health improvement by providing scientific evidences for the abdominal obesity management that maybe needed in aesthetic salons. The study objects are 22 adult women over WHR 0.85 and categorized into three groups such as 'abdominalmeridian massage', 'Algaemask', and 'both abdominalmeridian massage and Algae mask'. The test were conducted for 6weeks, which lasted 30 minutes each time twice a week. As for the method for obesity management, body weight, BMI, body fat, body fat rate, waist circumference, hip circumference, WHR, and subcutaneous fat reduced in all three groups. However, the group that used both abdominal meridian massage and Algae mask saw greater effect in reductionthan other groups that utilized only one method such as 'abdominal meridian massage'or 'Algae mask'. However, the group which utilized only abdominal meridian massage and the group that combined the abdominal meridian massage with Algae mask showed a significant decrease in waist circumference, WHR, and subcutaneous fat after testing 12 times, while the group which utilized only Algae therapy showed a decrease only in subcutaneous fat. As for both abdominal meridian massage and algae Mask, the waist circumference, WHR, and subcutaneous fat decreased significantly. Abdominal meridian massage with Algae mask group has been decreased more effectively than other groups in the body weight, BMI, body fat, bodyfatrate, waist circumference, hip circumference, WHR, and subcutaneous fat. Conclusively, both abdominal meridian massage and Algae mask were the most effective on the abdominal obesity of adult women
Key words:
Meridian, Massage, Algae, Abdominal, Obese