Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2011; 9: 0.
U-Learning based project teaching & learning model for the skin care subject
In-Kyung Jung, and Tae-Im Song
U-learning, which is based on ubiquitous learning environment, is a more creative and more individually suited learning model that the learner can study anytime and/or anywhere. The project- based learning using ubiquitous environment is the use of in-depth and rigorous classroom projects to facilitate learning and assess student competence. Project-based learning needs to allow students to not only make real life connections but also implement decision making skills, interacting with others, learning and applying new techniques. To provide individually suited skin-care services to customers, it is essential that the estheticians get enough experiences and new techniques through field practice. To meet the demand of the customers, the esthetitian might acquire the latest techniques through u-learning. In this study, u-learning based project teaching and learning model, which may be able to conduct education that meet for demander's request in these days, are suggested. From Skin Care subject, the unit-The skin care theory and practice-is selected. Among the 3 chapters in this unit, the 1st chapter-The caring methods according to skin types-is applied to this teaching and learning model.
Keywords : u-learning, skin care, project-based learning, teaching and learning, learning scenario