Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2013; 11(3): 495-503.
Effects of Foot Massage at the Abdominal Area Reflex Point on the Electroencephalogram
Im Sil Yoon, and Hyun Ju Choi
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of foot massage at individual reflex points on electroencephalogram (EEG). The participants were 51 healthy female young adults in their twenties (21.2±1.0 yr). Venous circulation massage, which applied routinely at lower leg and whole foot area in the beginning of the foot massage, was applied to 9 participants. Massages at head area reflex point, spinal area reflex point, reproductive area reflex point, and abdominal area reflex point were performed in 9 participants per each reflex point. Participants in control group (n=6) did not received any foot massage but in the same experimental condition. All the massages were conducted for 3 min. The EEG was recorded using QEEG 8 System by placing electrodes on the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobe regions. And EEG was measured for 3 min during the periods of the before, during, and after massage. Results show that all the EEG waves did not changed in the control group without massage. Venous circulation massage increased the theta wave at the occipital region (p<.05). Foot massage at head area reflex point, spinal area reflex point, and reproductive area reflex point did not change any EEG waves. However, massage at the abdominal area reflex point increased the theta wave at the temporal region (p<.05). These data suggest that venous circulation massage and foot massage at the abdominal area reflex point increase the theta wave which is related with a sleep induction, therefore these massages could be considered for the people with sleep disorder.
Keywords : Foot massage, Abdominal area reflex point, Venous circulation massage, Electroencephalogram, Theta wave