Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2008; 6(1): 13-21.
A Study on Surrealism Applied Hairstyles -Focused on modern Art Hairstyles-
Ju-Seub Kim, sun-young Paik, and Sang-Mo Kang
This study aims on illuminating the artistic value of hairstyles by analyzing the characteristics of surrealistic expressions for hairstyles after cognizing artistic hairstyles in modern hairstyles and understanding how surrealism was accepted and expressed in hairstyles, and observe surrealistic pieces in modern hairstyles based on understanding for surrealism brought by conversion of artistic conception. First I analyzed and made research of TV drama, dissertation, magazine, internet data, and documents related to hairstyles and hair pieces in graduation shows held in Beauty and Art department or beauty competitions, and for surrealistic expression techniques that appear in hairstyles through precedent studies related to artistic trend and hair. As they are more of hairstyles shown in hair pieces or shows rather than in actual lives and without many cases of surrealism applied on hairstyles, there were limits in many aspects but I analyzed and made research of hairstyles that showed characteristics of surrealism through precedent dissertations related to the artistic trend. In conclusion, surrealism technique, especially the concepts and techniques of collage and objet are used to express hairstyles using many materials such as cloth, wire, leaf, and cotton on the head sometimes through overlapping, which mainly appears as hair pieces in graduation shows of Art and Beauty departments showing diversity of material
Keywords : hairstyles, surrealism, art, modern