Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2009; 7(3): 239-249.
A study the effect of kushen distilled water extract cream to NC/Nga mice.
Da-Hae Song, and Hyung-Ju Kim
Atopic Dermatitis is a recurring skin condition characterized by rash, dryness, and itching. The itching is often so severe that it leads to scratching, infection, and sleep disturbance. There is no known single cause for eczema, however all ergies are often implicated- many patients with atopic eczema have increased blood levels of ClassE Immunoglobulins, which are typically associated with allergic reactions. The disease can occur at any age, but it is most common in infants, children, and young adults. To examine effect Sophora flavescens radix from distilled water extract cream used to NC/Nga mouse get in atopy control. The atopic drumatitis patients are extremely sensitized with BMAC allergens like Dermatophagoides farinae. so repeated application of BMAC ointment to theNC/Nga mice caused increase in dermatitis scores and serum IgE. After 2 weeks application with kushen cream to theNc/Ng amice it caused decrease indermatitis scores, serum IgE, skin erythema values and increase moisture․sebum values in the back and ear skin. In view of the results, introduction of the kushen cream for atopic dermatitis is expected to be an appropriate supplementary treatment for patients who suffer from frequent recurrence of atopic dermatitis.
Keywords : Atopic dermatitis, Sophora flavescens radix, Dermatophagoides farinae, NC/Nga mice.