Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2009; 7(4): 397-407.
A specialization plans of beauty care department at university -Focused on the development of curriculum for senior spa program
Mi-Hye Leem, and Mi-Hyun Kim
The beauty care-relating department in the entire country is opened from 36 subjects in 30 universities, which is developing stably within the system, and cultivates a beauty care specialty and the leader by developing subjects about skin care, hair care, makeup and nail care. This study was accomplished to group the jump of the beauty care relation subject by giving a quality plan via analysis of beauty care industry. The skin care industries were established by a carrier development of the woman the paradigm of skin care industry is changing with a well being strong wind. The senior spa which is pursuing beauty and health of the old man must be a major part of beauty industries because our country is going to meet the Aged society as a quick increase of the aging population.So the beauty care-relating subject has to developing spa therapy, spa program, spa management and gerontology- relating subjects also to groups the quality plan for the senior spa industries.
Keywords : The aged society, Senior spa, Spa therapy, Spa program, Spa management