Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2009; 7(4): 127-136.
A Study on Mitigation of Abdominal Obesity of Abdominal Meridian Massage
Jung -Sook Oh, and Si-Kyoung Lee
In this study, we had measured after the massage for 15 minutes/a day for 4 weeks and we measured up the change of body composition and the change of the abdominal size. 1. BMI reduced to 21.50 kg/㎡ from 21.59㎏/㎡ after the massage. It hasn't relativity in the diversity of the data.(p=0.29,p>0.05) 2. Body fat reduced to 38.07 kg from 38.65 kg after the massage. It hasn't relativity in the diversity of the data.(p=0.94,p>0.05) 3. Fat Distribution reduced to 0.80% from 0.81% after the massage. It has relativity in the diversity of the data.(p=0.04,p<0.05) 4. The change of the body measurement. 1) Waist measurement of navel reduced to 75.29 cm from 76.44 cm after the massage. It has relativity in the diversity of the data.(p=0.01,p<0.05) 2) Waist measurement (5 cm lower of navel) reduced to 82.03 cm from 83.36 cm after the massage. It has relativity in the diversity of the data.(p=0.04,p<0.05) 3) Waist measurement (5 cm upper of navel) reduced to 69.45 cm from 70.48 cm after the massage. It has relativity in the diversity of the data.(p=0.03,p<0.05)
Keywords : BMI, Body fat, Fat Distribution, Abdominal, Obesity