Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2013; 11(5): 863-875.
The Study on The Actual Health Conditions of Angular Labialis and Oral Mucosa
Min Jung Kim, and Sang Mo Kang
The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual health conditions of lip’s skin and oral mucosa which are playing an important role of aesthetic image in facial features. Targeting 579 residents in Seoul, Kyung-Gi province, and Jeju island, The survey was conducted from March to April in 2011. According to the results, 25.2% of those questioned said their lips and mouth-corner easily get chapped or cracked and 20% said they easily get stomatitis. In the case of chapped & cracked lips, the higher the fatigue degree, the more the frequency of dry skin and acne. When lips’ getting chapped or cracked, women reduced their meal portions. 53.5% preferred meat as a main collagen-supply source and only 5.5% purchased a medicine to take in Collagen. It was found out that cracked or chapped lips and stomatitis occurs frequently due to the change of season, the winter period, the lack of sleep, or stress. Additionally, as the fatigue degree was high, it showed hands and feet got cold. The cases founded out through the survey on the actual health conditions of angular labialis and oral mucosa would be listed in order of ranking as; Lips got chapped and rough, Lips got cracked, Gums bleed, The dead skin around lips, Recurrent infection on the mouth, Get an infection, Mouth corner has sore skin, A bad breath, Lips with unhealthy color. Through the result above, it was turned out that on the conditions of low body temperature and cold weather, many people with stress, lack of sleep and protein intake could easily get their lips and oral mucosa chapped and cracked.
Keywords : Beauty, Korea, Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS), Xerotic Cheilitis