Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2003; 1: 0.
Attitude toward obese control practices in female college students of weight group
Sung-Nae Lee, and Yang-Hee Hong
The purpose of this study was to examine Attitude toward weight control in female college students of obese group. In case of young women, they think that they must keep extremely slight build to be a beautiful women, but this can cause to fall off in quality of eating habits. When we keep having an unbalanced diet by each food preference, we can have a serious problem like an(a)emia or fatness. Among under weight groups, they think they have a normal weight(9.9%) or even think a little fat(3.9%) even though having a slight build. In case of Normal Weight group, 31.1%c people think that they have a normal weight, 17.3% people think that they are very fat. But in case of over weight group, only 6.1% people think that they are very fat. That is to say, This mistaken recognition of personal figure can low the quality of eating habits and have people follow the weight control (p<0.001). This problem is the main cause of the deterioration of the condition of skin. In case of under weight group, 67.6% people say that they have never tried weight control. Concerning normal weight group, about 50% people have an experience of weight control. In case of over weight group. 75.6% people say that they have an experience of weight control. What makes people control their weight? In case of under weight group, shows that the firsts For charming shape(58.8%), the second is for health(23.5%). In case of normal weight group, the Most number of people say that they control the weight for charming shape(49.6%), others say that they do that for becoming thin(26.8%). Over weight group, it shows that to lose weight is the first purpose(39.1%), to have a charming shape is the second purpose(31.7%) and to have a self-confidence is the last one(22.0%). In case that they reduced weights by exercising, 26.6% answered my skin conditions are improved, and 23.4% answered that they were not doing exercise. Under calory-control, ‘tough skin’, ‘dark skin’ were shown highly to 10.9% order, and it was statistically meaningful(p<0.001). In other words, eating habits influenced not only skin conditions but also obesity as general health conditions. Amounts to this that people have under weight usually have an interest in charming shape and people have over weight is for the purpose of losing weight and becoming thin when they control their weight. Therefore, all social members should be educated in the direction of correct eating habits and weight-control, on the basis of exact cognition of their own bodies.